
Butt Augmentation

What is Brazilian Butt Lift (Butt Augmentation)?

The Brazilian Butt Lift method varies dramatically among plastic surgeons. Several doctors say the results of a BBL depend on the doctors technique. The technique that your surgeon uses will affect not only your surgical result, but will also influence how long your results last.

The “Brazilian butt lift” specifically involves fat grafting or injection. The patient undergoes liposuction to remove fat from their abdomen, hips and thighs which is then processed and re-implanted into the buttocks.

Conversely a regular buttock lift reduces the volume of the buttocks by removing excess skin and fat from the region. The procedure is commonly performed on people who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Fat Extraction

Suction assisted tumescent liposuction is used to extract the fat which will be later used for the fat graft to the buttocks. I first remove fat from selected areas of your body using slender, 3mm cannulas with 1mm holes. The small cannula holes allow me to collect only the smallest fat particles. I believe that small fat particles make the best fat grafts.

During fat extraction, the buttock is first contoured in the areas around the buttocks to make them stand out more. Common areas liposuctioned include the back (directly above the buttocks), the stomach, and the thighs. Note that even the liposuction alone will give your lower body a more attractive look

Fat Processing

After liposuction, the fat suctioned from these areas is carefully processed and purified by decanting and centrifugation. Only a fraction of the donor fat removed will qualify for re-injection to the buttocks. In most cases, not more than 25% of the fat cells extracted will be qualified for re-injection.

Only the best donor fat cells are re-injected back into your buttocks for augmentation. In order to get enough qualified fat, I must liposuction at least two areas of your body, and preferably three areas.

Deciding on Brazilian Butt Lift (Butt Augmentation)?

Flat buttocks

Sagging buttocks

Asymmetrical buttocks

Small (disproportionate) buttocks

Change of the buttock’s shape following massive weight loss

Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift (Butt Augmentation)

Many people struggle with the appearance of more than one body area. Brazilian butt lift allows patients to achieve a more proportionate and attractive overall figure. By removing unwanted fat from one body area and transferring it to the buttocks, Brazilian butt lift improves the patient’s overall shape and curves. Additionally, you can expect results that look and feel natural. This is because only the patient’s fat and tissue are used to achieve the desired results.

4 Aralık 2017 Genel
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