
Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation,which is also called mammoplasty breast enlargement or boob job  is typically performed to enlarge small breasts, underdeveloped breasts or breasts that have decreased in size after a woman has had children.

Breast augmentation can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Alp Aslan. If you feel your breast size is too small, you may wish to undergo breast augmentation to achieve the desired appearance. You may want to restore breast volume lost as a result of pregnancy or to balance a difference in breast size. Restoring balance is rewarding to a woman’s self confidence and self esteem.

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia and after recovery most patients are allowed to go home on the same day. Surgery usually takes between one to two hours.

Breast implants are made of a silicone shell that is filled with either silicone gel or a saltwater solution known as saline. The silicone shell can be textured or smooth. The most commonly used implant in the United States is the smooth saline implant.

Possible Incision Areas

At MyBreast we pride ourselves on making the smallest and most concealed incisions possible, usually four to five centimetres long. There are three incision areas widely used for breast augmentation:

Each incision has its advantages and disadvantages. The final choice needs to be discussed with Dr Alp Aslan at consultation.

Inserting your breast implants

The implant will be placed either under or over your pectoral muscle depending on several factors including the size of your breast, skin quality, and your breast shape. The position of the implant will have been decided prior to surgery between you and your surgeon at your consultations.

Implants placed under the muscle tend to give a slightly more natural upper ‘pole’ of the breast and possibly a lower incidence of capsular contracture (scar tissue that can develop around an implant and cause the breast to feel hard).

  1. Subpectoral (under the chest muscle)
  2. Subglandular (beneath your breast tissue)
  3. Dual Plane (partly under the muscle, partly under breast tissue)

Deciding on Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty)

  • If you feel bothered and have low self-esteem that your breasts are too small.
  • After giving birth, your breasts have become smaller and have lost their firmness.
  • You notice that clothes that fit well around your hips are too big at the bust line.
  • You feel self-conscious when wearing a bathing suit or other form-fitting apparel.
  • A weight loss or fluctuation or pregnancy has changed the shape and size of your breasts.
  • There is an asymmetry where one of your breasts is noticeable smaller than the other.
  • A positive impression of women’s body image is important to most women, and breast augmentation may aid in offering a more proportional breast size and shape as well as in improving self-confidence.

Scar Visibilty: Scars from breast augmentation gradually fade over months to even years. Occasionally, they become wide or unsightly. The final visibility of your scar depends more on your own healing 
process than on the surgeon’s technique. It 
may take one to two years for your scar to mature.
Dr Alp Aslan can explain more about each type of incision to help you decide which is best for you.

What Are The Benefits Of Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty) ?

  • To restore lost breast volume following breast-feeding or significant weight loss
  • To make the breasts larger or more proportionate with the body
  • To feel more attractive
  • To gain a more appealing figure
  • To restore symmetry to the breasts
  • Breast Augmentation is a long-term solution for achieving a more balanced figure.
  • You will look and feel better in clothes and swimwear.
  • You will have a more youthful look.
4 Aralık 2017 Genel
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